04 Dezembro, 2019

Alunos do 5º ano trabalham com tema Espaço

Após trabalharem vocabulário sobre Espaço, os alunos do 5º ano receberam um material sobre a vida de astronauta. Cada estudante ficou responsável por ler as descrições e combiná-las com as imagens correspondentes. Além de colorirem, isto é, desenvolverem a competência artística, foi possível também discutir sobre curiosidades relacionadas aos planetas, astros e sobre o sonho de cada um. Afinal, um dos personagens do livro que é usado em sala demonstra grande interesse em ser astronauta quando crescer.   

5th graders work on "space" theme

After working on Space vocabulary, 5th graders received photocopies about astronaut life. Each student was responsible for reading the descriptions and matching them with the corresponding images. In addition to coloring, that is, developing artistic competence, it was also possible to discuss curiosities related to planets, stars and their dream. After all, one of the characters in the book that is used in class shows great interest in being an astronaut when grow up. "https://cdn.colegiomartinus.com.br/2019/12/20191104_143440.jpg|,https://cdn.colegiomartinus.com.br/2019/12/20191104_143526.jpg|,https://cdn.colegiomartinus.com.br/2019/12/20191104_141638.jpg|,https://cdn.colegiomartinus.com.br/2019/12/20191104_141706.jpg|,https://cdn.colegiomartinus.com.br/2019/12/20191104_141745.jpg|,https://cdn.colegiomartinus.com.br/2019/12/20191104_141759.jpg|,https://cdn.colegiomartinus.com.br/2019/12/20191104_141811.jpg|,https://cdn.colegiomartinus.com.br/2019/12/20191104_141818.jpg|,https://cdn.colegiomartinus.com.br/2019/12/20191104_141859.jpg|,https://cdn.colegiomartinus.com.br/2019/12/20191104_143353.jpg|,https://cdn.colegiomartinus.com.br/2019/12/20191104_143405.jpg|"