Martinus School

For over 70 years, we transform lives through education by love.

About us

About us

We are based in the state of Paraná, at the heart of one of the main capitals of Brazil and in one of the most technological cities in the country. Three school units make the Martinus School network, two of them located in Curitiba, since 1948 and another one in Ponta Grossa, since 2012.

From early childhood to High School, students are treated as single and unique individuals through a personal and individualized approach. In addition to quality education, with practices adapted to the needs of the 21st century, students experience projects that develop autonomy, socialization, technological skills and promote solidarity actions.

Since our origin in 1948, we have been considered as a Community School, a Gemeinde Schule, as it is said in German. Martinus has strongly bonded with German culture and, therefore, cultivated and preserved the Evangelical-Lutheran’s identity.

Organizational Framework

Sinodal Educational networking

ISAEC Sponsors

School Board of Directors

General Director

Unit Directors

Pedagogical Coordinators

Institutional Mission

Educate children and adolescents through high quality of education, according to ethical, Christian and scientific principles, so that they become citizens of excellence for the continuation of studies at a higher level to a solidary insertion in society.

Pedagogical proposal

Pedagogical proposal

We follow a humanist pedagogical line that believes in the value of knowledge for the formation of the general culture of students. We understand that the development of living skills and the ability to care for themselves and others are important learnings for life and can be improved in school education. Christian values, inspired by the Lutheran faith, point out that the formation of critical judgment can only be obtained from good instruction and principle-based formation. Thus, we work with a pedagogical approach appropriate to each age group and count on the important partnership of families in this formative walk.

We seek to develop in students a taste for study and the understanding that learning is a process that can be improved in sharing, in the debate, but which is a walk and a personal construction, in which each student is the protagonist of their school development. By prioritizing a critical and creative education, we value the different disciplines of the curriculum and emphasize the study of foreign languages, so that there is a communicative and cultural approach.

Thus, the study of German and English has a prominent space, since it represents an important passport to present and future opportunities, nationally and internationally, along with a general training of excellence.

From the early years of education to High School

Under the values of knowledge, respect, discipline, and innovation the pillars of our pedagogical work are built to guide since the early years of education to high school, once they contribute and intend to educate our student for life.

Our plan for every teaching level is based on exchanges of experiences, conversation circles, readings, research, complicity, exploring body language, under an individualized learning approach. All the actions taken are intended to build a continuous learning process through affection between students and school staff, supporting every single being involved in this process with an opportunity to expand self awareness, to promote a way for students to express themselves, participate, explore, play and benefit from social coexistence.

Our teaching body is composed of specialists, masters and doctors, fully qualified and constantly upgrading. Our academic staff led by the directive and pedagogical team added to our prominent students bring life into Martinus and highlight our educational approaches.

Levels of Education

Martinus Kinder

Martinus Kinder

Martinus Kinder is a school for 3-year-old children. At this stage, children build their learning through interactions and pedagogical plays and games. In addition to the developed pedagogical work conducted by the head teacher, our curriculum plan includes special classes such as musicalization, psychomotricity and foreign languages.

School differential features:

Elementary School

Elementary School

From the 1st to the 5th year, students are led to the appropriation of diverse knowledge so that they can be inserted in the process of reading and writing, mathematical reasoning and socio-historical and scientific knowledge. The educational activities of this level of education take place in the various environments of the College, in order to promote affective experiences and better use of learning experiences.

School differential features:

Middle School

Middle School

From the 6th to the 9th grade, students base their knowledge on different disciplines and expand the personal repertoire of values, knowledge and autonomy in face of studying. Under a background that values and enhances multiple intelligences, students experience learning in the areas of Human and Social Sciences, Nature Sciences, Creative and Technological Sciences, which provide international and intercultural communication in English and German languages and the rescue of the culture of the College. Experiences and learnings contribute significantly for students, in the future, to act in the world in a more critical and pertinent way.

School differential features:

High School

High School

Throughout high school, over three school years, students broaden their capacity for organization and autonomy, using it in favor of academic and personal progress. Thus, the pedagogical proposal, developed through the standard curriculum and educational projects offered, contributes so that students may turn into conscious and competent citizens, able to join undergraduate studies, building professional careers.

School differential features:

After school activities

Martinus’ students have the opportunity to expand their study hours and educational activities as part of the Integral Project. In this proposal, students enrolled from Infant 3 to 7th grade of Middle School can experience educational workshops in order to unite theory with practice and expand the knowledge of children, pre-adolescents and adolescents.

The pedagogical organization of the After School Activities Project aims to promote the socialization/interaction, reflection and resignification of collaborative learning from a daily schedule with workshops, whose themes are distributed on the days of the week. To this end, interdisciplinary work and articulating projects are carried out that develop and enhance skills and competences that result in effective and affective learning experiences beyond school. The workshops cover the following areas: Languages, communication and technologies; Culture maker; Body, expression and movement.

Extracurricular Activities

We offer several complementary activities that take place from February to November, at specific times, in the opposite shift to the regular classes, which features an apart investment for families seeking practices in order to assist physical, motor, creative and logical activities development, and among them, there are classes of.

Martinus International

Martinus International - Linguistic and cultural studies in German and English


The history of Martinus School is closely linked to German language and culture. In addition, learning German language potentially enables numerous opportunities. This is a kind of language which Johann Wolfgang von Goethe spoke, meaning that throughout its acquisition, students will certainly improve the quality of their professional and personal life, and therefore German language is a distinctive part of our curriculum. In view of its importance and our history, the teaching of the German language is a bond to connect our historical trajectory and our future.

Since 2010, Martinus school has become a partner of the PASCH Initiative, Schulen – Partner der Zukunft (partnership for the future), being one of the 24 Brazilian institutions invited by the German government and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, since 2008. Worldwide, this Initiative encompasses more than 200 partner schools in 120 countries and more than 600,000 students.

Our students in Germany

To the present day, our students have been awarded more than 30 scholarships in live workshops in Germany as well as online courses. Such achievements and incentives from the Pasch Initiative provide our students with experiences of improving the German language and interacting with teachers and students from around the world.

Continuing teacher training

The teachers of Martinus school are constantly upgrading in terms of national and international scenarios. From the outset, the Pach Initiative has awarded scholarships to faculty for academic support for studies in Germany or remote on the Goeth platform for teacher updating and language enhancement. We must admit they are unique learning and interaction experiences for professionals all over the world.

German classes

From early childhood education to High School, our curriculum aims to provide students with german classes suitable for each level of education. Our proposal begins with learning the first words, through enjoyable classes, to advanced official exams in high school, in order to arouse interest in the German language and culture.


Our English language teaching program stands out at Martinus College. Present since elementary school, in addition to linguistic and cultural studies, students are provided with support to the International Certification Exams of the University of Cambridge, initiated in Elementary School. For achieving excellent results in international exams, in 2015, Martinus School was recognised as a Preparatory Centre for International Examinations at the University of Cambridge.

Igreja Evangélica de Confissão Luterana no Brasil

Pastoral project in school

The Pastoral project is an integral part of the pedagogical team and its greatest effort is to develop a clear identity, which characterizes the school as a Lutheran Confessional institution. The Pastoral service is more intensely present in the Units of Curitiba, and Bom Pastor School, in Ponta Grossa. This function is performed by ministers of the Evangelical Church of Lutheran Confession in Brazil - IECLB, under a theology background.

The main actions developed by the School Pastoral are reflections, celebratory and meditative moments for the entire school community; religious services, social projects - space for students to develop diaconal practices; Conexões project - speeches, prayers, meditations developed to be delivered online. The concept of Poimênica, which means monitoring different situations of life, is also approached.

Find out some more programs and special projects developed at Martinus School

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